Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I finally turns into sixteen!!!

I enjoyed my 16th birthday this year a lot. And this is my first time I celebrated my birthday with my frens! Most of them either have work or have school the next day. They still take the time to come down. I really appreciated. ((: Thanks to those coming my bbq: Valerie, weiqi, Sharon, xueqi, jiansheng, Felicia, aphrime, siling, donny, Fabian, yewjun and ghimyang. Sadly, my bday is at the same day as prom night. If not, I think there will be more ppl coming ): Actually, I am lack of slp and not very feeling well on that day. You can see, I wearing a cardigan. If not, I can show you all my sexy back. >.< Hahahs. Jk. Although I am very happy, I dun had the energy to smile naturally. ):Hahas. I tried to buy as much bbq foods as possible. I thought it is not enough for them. End up, a lot ppl complaining too full and we wasted a lot of food. :/Aphrime never failed to make us laugh man. He is damn funny. Thanks for siliang bought me a birthday cake. (: This cake tastes so nice and its my favourite choco favour! I gt abt two yrs never make a wish and blow a candle on the cake. Although I had celebrate my bday with my family, my parents always bought to eat buffet and I did not requested them to buy a cakes. I think is weird if they sing happy birthday song for me :/ hahas I received a lot present and msg wishes this year! I am so happy!!! I wanted to thank a lot ppl but I have to wait I collect all my belated present first. I will thank you to all in another post. ((((((((((((((:

i will upload all the foto tmr morning. All the photo took during my bday, I look so ugly man. I was hus-back and never stand straight. Frens that close wif me will noe i have backbone problem. haiz. Frens, must remind meto stand straight!
thanks to all my frens, you all make my day! i only manage to update one post (celebrate my bday with my family) the rest will update once i free! :D. maybe tmr ba I am lack of slp. My eyes were swollen. My days were so packed with things. Have to wait until next week i den will be fully free. hahas!