Saturday, November 29, 2008

elmo and cookies monster cupcakes

Finally, I met up with Jolyn and Rowell! Rowell have been working. A lot of my frens is working now. I am so bored. I miss them esp Valerie loh zi yin! ): My frens every time complaining I always late. Nowadays, I very punctual and will be there 10 mins earlier. Butttt, jolyn late -.- That day, I met up with them is to pass jo belated bday present. The elmo and cookies monster cupcakes is bought by me and rowell. Glad to hear from jo that she likes it… i drew it! nice? is a heart in the cup. but rowell very bad said the cup like dustbin. hahas
my untidy handwriting. no one understand wat i had wrote.

that day, we both wore strip shirt elmo why i keep saw you in my sight

jo finally 18th
(all the photos credit to jo) I too lazy to edit

Saturday, November 22, 2008


this photo is real me, with no make up at all. hahas. but not so tan. I looked ugly man but i dun care.
days of my hard work the XXL birthday card >.<When i saw this card, I found it looks like val! Thus, i buy for her.
I am the only one who do not noe hw to play mahjong. ),:
elmo: "hello welcome to elmo world"valerie looks so cuteee here
what i bought for her:
a elmo balloon!!! hehe I make 3D effect in the card. hahahas! XXL card.
And a DIOR lipgloss

Last year, I bought you a much more expensive bday gift. A $70 guess wallet but I found that you hardly use ): That time, i gt work so I had the $$$. This yr, i never work so bought you a much cheaper gift. Hope you use this to kiss yr future bf. hehe. Compared to last yr, I put more effort in doing yr bday card and bla bla... Can you feel it?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I finally turns into sixteen!!!

I enjoyed my 16th birthday this year a lot. And this is my first time I celebrated my birthday with my frens! Most of them either have work or have school the next day. They still take the time to come down. I really appreciated. ((: Thanks to those coming my bbq: Valerie, weiqi, Sharon, xueqi, jiansheng, Felicia, aphrime, siling, donny, Fabian, yewjun and ghimyang. Sadly, my bday is at the same day as prom night. If not, I think there will be more ppl coming ): Actually, I am lack of slp and not very feeling well on that day. You can see, I wearing a cardigan. If not, I can show you all my sexy back. >.< Hahahs. Jk. Although I am very happy, I dun had the energy to smile naturally. ):Hahas. I tried to buy as much bbq foods as possible. I thought it is not enough for them. End up, a lot ppl complaining too full and we wasted a lot of food. :/Aphrime never failed to make us laugh man. He is damn funny. Thanks for siliang bought me a birthday cake. (: This cake tastes so nice and its my favourite choco favour! I gt abt two yrs never make a wish and blow a candle on the cake. Although I had celebrate my bday with my family, my parents always bought to eat buffet and I did not requested them to buy a cakes. I think is weird if they sing happy birthday song for me :/ hahas I received a lot present and msg wishes this year! I am so happy!!! I wanted to thank a lot ppl but I have to wait I collect all my belated present first. I will thank you to all in another post. ((((((((((((((:

i will upload all the foto tmr morning. All the photo took during my bday, I look so ugly man. I was hus-back and never stand straight. Frens that close wif me will noe i have backbone problem. haiz. Frens, must remind meto stand straight!
thanks to all my frens, you all make my day! i only manage to update one post (celebrate my bday with my family) the rest will update once i free! :D. maybe tmr ba I am lack of slp. My eyes were swollen. My days were so packed with things. Have to wait until next week i den will be fully free. hahas!