Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Tree

Last Friday, I met up with my Valerie!!!!!!!!!! I miss her alottt man!!!!!!!!!!! It haven been 45437245 days that I last seen her ),: Then, i give her a vincci bag (xmas gift), she likes it! She got become slimmer but still very auntie :x hahas! Compared to last time, she was not so auntie. To me, she still cute la. Firstly, I met rowell to get my belated bday present. I like it alottt! THANKS! After her work, she accompany me to wait for val. I and val settled our dinner at ajisan. Its tastes awful (that’s my opinion). It tastes nice before I continue to eat it. I left half of the bowl untouched :/ After dinner, val insisted to go bugis street for shopping. I hate to go there. Its every time crowded with ppl. I oso hate some salesppl there and some clothes. Haiz. I had to accompany her becos who call she is my bestie……..i looks tired and ugly in this photo... :/ dhoby ghaut Christmas.... After holiday, i haven laugh until so happy.

bugis Christmas tree...

Bugis indoor christmas tree..... I need a hair cutttttt! my fringe growing longer. I looks like wearing a hat in the above photo :x finally, val agreed to take photos

That day, I had took photos with 3 different Christmas tree. Its looks gorgeous......................