Monday, July 28, 2008

That day, I went out with Venus. After the days we spent in Bangkok, I and her more like sisters than friends. We decided to go Far East plaza, it been a long time since I went there. However, I do not feel like buying things. I and her just do windows shopping (: After that we feel alittle bit hungry, then we headed to level 2 to buy ice-cream (: He scoops up the ice-cream and don’t let you have a chance to catch it. It is definitely fun and interesting! The ice-cream also tastes delicious. You all must try it! Don’t miss it (((:

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I just updated some photo which I took at the Bangkok trip, scroll down and see. I will be updating more photos about my Bangkok by tonight (:

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I did not take alot of photo in nomad. All the photo taken in the nomad shown here. enjoy :D

I support Devolusion especially Xueqi! (:

Tania (my love) !

I want to thank Weiqi for giving me the Nomad ticket !

I painted this with darren, kaijie and jolin help (:

Our hard work because we're the one who put up those art work.

They're the cutie pie of sec one!

A gift from me to you (:

I went to Nomad today and i was really tired because im lacking of sleept lately. But for the sake of my two very good freinds, Weiqi and Xueqi, i pull myself to school (: And they din't disappoint me because Xueqi's dance crew, Devolusion dance really well. And Weiqi also performed well for the band performance. I felt that the band and the dance hall is the hightlight of the Nomad. As our school's symphonic band did our school proud by attaining a Gold With Honours award for SYF :D I dint really watched those performance in details as the time were too short and rush. Afterthat, we went to have supper with my friends. Its been a long time since we settle down and eat tgt, im really delighted! But sadly, Sharon did not join us, shes at Bangkok :'(

Alright, thats all, im going to bed now. Goodnights! ((: